Thursday, July 26, 2007

Beauty e Contradições na Fnac do Colombo

Estão a partir do dia de hoje disponíveis para download (e com as respectivas letras) no nosso MySpace, as músicas Beauty e Contradições, relativas ao concerto da semana passada na Fnac do Colombo.

Rhizome @ Fnac Almada

The World As It Used To Be
Over the Rainbow
Your Eyes


photos by: Bruno Raposo

Monday, July 23, 2007

Mais um Concerto!

Mais uma data para Rhizome e para o mês de Setembro. 8 de Setembro, Sábado, às 22h30. O concerto será no Project Bar em Santos, pertíssimo do Refúgio das Freiras, mais concretamente, no Anfi-Teatro da Associação Guilherme Cossoul situado na Avenida Don Carlos I, nº61.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Videos - Rhizome @ Fnac Colombo

The World As It Used To Be


Over the Rainbow



Your Eyes



Friday, July 20, 2007

Rhizome @ Fnac Colombo

The World As It Used to Be
Over the Rainbow
Your Eyes


PS: sim, este foi o melhor concerto até agora...

PS2: as Fnac's Cascais e Chiado já estão prometidas para Setembro e Outubro, respectivamente...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Rhizome @ Jograis

The World As It Used to Be
Over the Rainbow
By the Sea
Your Eyes

Where I Long to Be
Over the Rainbow

PS: estaremos de volta a esta casa a 5 de Setembro!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Regresso ao Rock in Chiado

É já em Setembro, dia 14, uma sexta-feira!

Novo mail oficial

Videos - Rhizome @ Rock in Chiado

Over the Rainbow

Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams you dare to dream do come true

Some day I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops
That's where you'll find me

Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow, why, oh why can't I?
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby

By the Sea

Entering the sunrise, lost in the horizon
A bitter light of sorrow for a better tomorrow
Voices start to vanish and it’s all transparent
Waiting by the sea with thoughts of you and me

Time has frozen, a life is chosen

Creating a new self, one to be explored
Tells me you’re not here, soon I will be bored
Sadly love hurts, I better leave him be
I wish I could be in that everlasting sea

Time has frozen, a life is chosen


Innocence stands alone
Left inside on its own
A smile so pure, a light so free
Rain of love, falls on me
Even now I still discover
Something new within my lover
A light so pure, a smile so free
Rain of love, eternally

In her beauty I lay, how can i pray?
Please know that our love won't die
In her beauty I’m free, it's all that I see
I know that our truth will never die

Innocence now stands with me
I found treasure, I found peace
A light so pure, a heart so free
Tears of joy fall on me
And as I gaze once again
I see myself, I see no end
A smile so pure, a light so free
A rain of love, eternally


In this i see some kind of sin
A place i wish i'd never been
In me i see what i can't believe
A peace of mind, a new relief

Fly, take my hand i'll show you how
We'll make it worth, somehow
Can you help some more?

And i forget but can't forgive
I've seen the door but i won't leave
In you i see what i can't believe
A second life, a new relief

Can you bring me joy?
You won't regret
I can't break this pact
Can you help some more?

Where I Long to Be

I'm on my early days, in touch with my youth
This path i'm taking will bring me my truth
Needless to say my ocean is revolving on its own
Needless to say my sense of life has grown

With you is where i long to be
Your light will shine on me
Cause only in your arms i'm free

These changes won't change what has been so real
Your value lies in your heart, in your will
Needless to say, these waters pulled us through
Needless to say, my heart belongs to you

I cannot stop it now, it's all about you... somehow
I cannot stop it now... somehow


And I fear in this straight up life, built myself in deny
And I’ve never faced in my life, but all your children survived
And I gave you the fatal stand, fear your feelings inside
Fast and faster, the fastest reward, fast and fast in deny

I’m free, to recover things that I’ve left aside
Free, and I know it is my self own pride
Free, to stay alive

And you fear all your feelings
Keep your fear all inside
You must free and forget it
You were built in deny…


O 6º Rizoma

Não existem palavras para agradecermos o que tens feito por nós!

photo by: Lobístico

Pics - Rhizome @ Rock in Chiado

photos by: Lobístico


photo by: Lobístico

Since the Beginning...

photos by: Lobístico

Videos - Rhizome @ Santiago Alquimista

Infinite + The World As It Used To Be

A song that fills both our hearts
A reminder of (our) truth
Like a life that has born
Something lit inside of me

Can I be with you?

The beauty that sprung form you
(in that) magical moment
You stole all of my tears
In your night theft

Can I be with you?

You made me smile…

I am here, let’s go away and maybe we can share the light of day
I found the sea in your eyes once again, I am so alive

Yeah, come with me, I’ll show you how to see
The world as it used to be

Funny how we lost track of all the things, that meant something
I remember how it felt to be free, I was so alive


Amor, palavra pura que nos turva a razão
Quem não a sente não a diz do coração
Fica perdida para lá da emoção

Amor, um sentimento que nos faz querer voar
Quem não entende é quem vai saber amar
Contradições que vão um dia terminar

Quero entender
Quero alcançar
Só para perceber
Só para te Amar

Your Eyes

It's a new step for me
A new self to be
But in the end it's me

I'll forget without regret
I will have to face the fact
You're the one I never met

And i came to this conclusion
Cause i was forced to realize
It's all one big illusion
I'll open my eyes
Your eyes are lies

I will walk without you


Lying there on the bed with you as a company
All of my feelings inside and i just couldn't see
The purest little girl lit the flame of my soul
The purest little girl gave a meaning to this world

Here i live, here i feel, here i love you
Here i dream, here i see, the perfect view

It's all so clear now, i've got nothing to hide
Alone i can dream with you by my side
The purest little girl made it all worthwhile
The purest little girl showed me how to smile

And as i go forward i continue to discover you
You're the box with that magic life... forever.

Site Oficial

Apesar de ainda não estar nem pouco mais ou menos a 100%, já podem visitar o nosso site oficial e deixar a vossa opinião. Muito obrigado à Di pela sua concepção.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Rhizome @ Santiago Alquimista

The World As It Used to Be
Over the Rainbow
By the Sea
Your Eyes


Where I Long to Be
The World As It Used to Be

photo by: Lobístico

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

O 1º Concerto!

The World As It Used to Be
Over the Rainbow
By the Sea
Your Eyes

Where I Long to Be

Para quem esteve presente, o nosso muito obrigado por fazerem parte deste universo Rizomático. A todos. Sem excepção. Mas especialmente ao nosso grande Manager, por toda a fé que deposita em nós...

Para quem não esteve presente, vemo-nos Quinta no Santiago Alquimista!

Um agradecimento especial ao grande Diona e ao Mr. Light Man, Bruno.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Finalmente, a Estreia!

É já hoje às 23 no Rock in Chiado. Apareçam e deixem-se levar pela magia rizomática...

Monday, July 09, 2007

Fnac do Colombo

Antes de irmos a Almada, vamos primeiro à Fnac do Colombo. É já na próxima semana, dia 19, quinta-feira, às 21.30.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Rhizome na Fnac de Almada

Estaremos na Fnac do Almada Forum para um concerto no próximo dia 25 de Julho, quarta-feira. Terá início às 21.30.

Já lá está!!


E apareçam...



O domínio do nosso futuro site (a apresentar ainda durante o mês de Julho) já se encontra registado...